Saturday, November 13, 2010

Module 8 - RSS Feeds

I had noticed on my toolbar on Firefox that the RSS Feed symbol was increasing in number each day, even hour but never accessed it, perhaps due to ignorance as I was unsure what it was and not curious enough to investigate. But in completing this module I now understand its function and in particular how I can access updates from my frequently used sites without having to visit each site individually to get the latest information or news. Furthermore, I can see the benefits of this in the classroom, specifically in terms of accessing industry developments and news.  Also accessing student blogs with assignments or projects and monitoring that students are making entries and commenting on each others through one simple click. For this module I subscribed to the MEAA Facebook Page which is the peak organisation for employees within the Entertainment Industry.  It provides information on funding, changes to OHS practices within the industry, etc which are all relevant issues to the units embedded within the course.

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